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.Monday, June 1, 2009 ; 10:04 PM -
Everyday is special and unique in a way

Lol long time no post

Lazy la

Feeling that holidays aren't really holidays

With all those homework and stuff


Stupid post haha

Next time post long one

.Wednesday, May 27, 2009 ; 8:32 PM -
Everyday is special and unique in a way

Mr Chan ordered PiZZa for me, Alyssa, Yun Qi and Mabel today wahahas

Yum yum

Coz we did best in the Maths Project Group Supplementary WS thingy woot

Didn't think it was enuf XD

So ate somemore things  after that 2 slices of piZZa


.Tuesday, May 26, 2009 ; 10:43 PM -
Everyday is special and unique in a way

Aiya I don't think anyone will guess

Good luck tagboard

. ; 10:35 PM -
Everyday is special and unique in a way


Stupid post just to update

Lazy to post nowadays coz I can't remember anything when I have my laptop

Only thing I wanna do when I'm with my comp is....

1 guess per person

Put your guess on my tagboard

Will be checking on Friday

Winner (correct guessers) will get a mystery prize

So start guessing NOW

By the way you can ask for extra chance to guess if you say something that appeals to me

.Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ; 10:11 PM -
Everyday is special and unique in a way

Shall rip a quiz since im bored too

Btw it's from Alina

1. Are you single – No I'm married
2. Are you happy – Yea I am
3. Are you bored – Refer to first line of this post
4. Are you fair - Fark. Oops I mean Dark
5. Are you Italian - Nah
6. Are you intelligent – Highly
7.Are you honest – Rarely
8. Are you nice – To most people
9.Are you Irish – Nah
10. Are you Asian - Yea I'm yellow
1. Full name – Bryan Mitchell Chia
2. Nicknames – Mutton
3. Birth place - Hospital
4. Hair colour - White... De opposite.
5. Natural hair style – Straight
6. I dono this question.
7. Birthday – 1st March
8. Mood - Er none.
9. Fave colour – Pink
10. One place you'd like to visit - Hell
1. Have you ever been in love – No
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - No
3. Do you currently have a crush – No
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally – No
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart – No (tell me if i broke yours')
6. Have you ever had your heart broken – No
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them – No
8. Are you afraid of commitments - No
9. Who was the last person you hugged - My brother
10. Who was the last person you said "I love you" to? – My brother (I just said that a few secs before I typed this)
1. Love or lust - Half half
2. Hard liquor or beer – Plain water
3. Cats or dogs – Pigs
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - Many enemies
5. Creamy or crunchy – Soft
6. Pencil or pen – Marker
7. Wild night out or romantic night in – Boring Morning
8. Money or happiness - Food
9. Night or day – Evening
10. IM or phone – Laptop
1. Been caught sneaking out – Yea
2. Seen a polar bear – TV
3. Done something you regret – Doing this quiz
4. Bungee jumped – Nah
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor – Definitely. Don waste food
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker – No. My jaws are still intact
7. Been caught naked – Yea in the toilet by the bugs
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back – Never had one
9. Cried because you lost a pet – Yea my ant died
10. Wanted to disappear – Yea
1. Smile or eyes - Eyes
2. Light or dark hair – Dark
3. Hugs or kisses – None
4. Shorter or taller – If taller, can I find one?
5. Intelligence or attraction – Intelligence rules over everything
6. Topman or Zara – Pasar Malam
7. Funny or serious – Funny
8.Older or younger - Both also can
9. Outgoing or quiet – Outgoing ba
10. Sweet or bad – Both
1.Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour? – I talked on a phone for 12 hours once
3. Ever tried walking on your hands – Cant. Later earthquake
4. Ever been to a rock concert - Nah too hard. I like the sand one
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team – Yea. Forced in Pri School
6. Ever been on a dance team – Yea. Forced in Pri School
7. Ever been on a sports team - Yes
8. Ever been in a drama play/production – Many. I also won the 红星大奖
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? – I have all of them
10. Ever been in a rap video – Yea
1. Last phone call you made - Janelle ^_^
2. Last person you hugged - My brother
3. Last person you IM'd – IVORY
4. Last person you texted - Xue Wen ^_^
5. Last person(s) you went to the movies with – I think it's my imaginary fren
6. Last person/thing you missed – My ant that died
7. Last person you talked to - My bro and mum (who are waiting for me to give them the lappie)
8. Last person you hung out with - Janelle (Not really hang out. She's the last I saw today)
9. Last website visited – Some porn site. LOL joking. Hmm www.blogger.com Go that website. It's nice.
10. Last time you worked - P5/6

. ; 8:34 PM -
Everyday is special and unique in a way

Today band was damn fun la

Mr Ng was pretty nice today

There was once the trombones had to play a phrase then the clarinets had to play it too

He said the trombones must play it like they're SCOLDING

While the clarinets have to play it like they ACT CUTE

Was DAMN DAMN DAMN funny la (Go ask the other band members if you wanna know more)

Then after band I went to get my blazer from Kristal

She took out a blazer

I tried on and it was too small

Thus, I asked for another one, passing my current one to Hao Yang

Then I realised that the bigger one was REALLY comfortable

So I start doing stupid stuff in it (dance, jazz, moonwalk, astronaut-imitation, etc)

Suddenly Mr Ng came in to take a look and caught me imitating an astronaut

He was like 'Wow nice performance' and started grinning at me

I said 'TESTING TESTING' and gave a smile then he went back to do his stuff

Everyone inside was laughing like LOL

Then after that he came in again

I said 'Yeah baby' on my way out and he said that it was 'casanovic'

Xue Wen said it depends on who I'm saying it to and then I said 'Yea I'm saying it to the blazer'

He was like 'Oh so you have an imaginary friend in there ar?'


Ok that's all that was memorable today

Btw my grades are (for those interested):

Chinese - D
LA - C
Maths - C
Science - A
Geog - Unknown
Hist - Unknown

Conclusion: I suck LOL

.Tuesday, May 19, 2009 ; 4:21 PM -
Everyday is special and unique in a way

LOL Funny day

Glen is funny

Poh Shin is funny

Zi Jie is funny

Had a great time on the way back with them today

Not that I wanted but was unwelcome urmm... To some people

Saw Zhang Lao Shi

He came up to us and we joked

Haha enjoyed the day

Music screwed

No SP today =(


.Friday, May 15, 2009 ; 10:36 PM -
Everyday is special and unique in a way

Today had 2.4km HAIZZZZ

Was funny la

Coz the track didn't seem that long

So it ended quite fast

Or is it me that was faster

Came in 20th!

Out of almost 100

That's 1/5 haha

Was surprised I didn't stop

Priscilla was in front

Wanted to chiong past her

But too tired so maintain pace behind her

Then this girl almost snatched the '20th' chip from me

Lucky my hand long can snatch from teacher haha

He gave me that vile look

It was sorta telling me 'Aiyo... Tsk tsk tsk snatch chip... Nice one haha'

Ok maybe it's just me XD

Before 2.4km had Geog Test

Was easy peanuts but I dono how I'd fair

Then after 2.4km was Malay Test

A lil bit peanutty

Overall today quite fun ba

Learned Trigonometry

All the sin, cossin and tangent confusing me

But quite interesting to learn something new

Then went for PTM briefing

Mr Iskandar 走音 coz he wasn't using mike at that time

Was funny haha

Then went for band

Did quite badly coz not confident

Turned out Rory's embrochure is wrong when pitching high notes

Then Hao Yang's mouthpiece put too low

Jyjy in correcting your techniques both of you =D

Blah then after band went home with Janelle as usual

Terence tagged along then almost missed his stop coz he was sleeping

Smsed me 'Walao. Didn't wake me up'

How would I know?

You were sitting in front and some guy's big head was blocking ><

Next time inform me first

I'll make sure you WAKE UP haha

Then my leg was mini-cramp-ing the whole day

Can't climb up stairs too fast and can't jump down 3 steps of stairs like I always do

Hope it recovers tomoro so PTM Helpout would be enjoyable

Can I bring my PSP?

LOL Byes

.Thursday, May 14, 2009 ; 9:42 PM -
Everyday is special and unique in a way

Today tio beating from Janelle from mentioning someone's name TSK

Tomoro 2.4km leh

Geog Argumentative Essay

Then Malay Test

Shud be fast ba

Let's hope it all passes with a blink of the eye

Then I shall relax and play more DotA

Btw today my Zeus (Lord Of Olympia) was pwnage: 21 - 2 - 21

Cleared team with an ulti WOOHOO

And there was this guy who was very hyper


Then I said 'PLEASE'

Then we rotated haha

Was bloody fun and hyper

This shall be my slogan/motto/wadeveryoucallit




No. of kicks received from Janelle when mentioning ***'s name on normal days: 1 - 5

No. of kicks received from Janelle when mentioning ***'s name on special days: 10 - 50

Today is a special day

It's a game called 'KICK-YOUR-FREN-ON-E-BUS'

Ok this post is long haha

Not really la

Coz I add in alot of SPACES!

Ok that's all fer today


.Wednesday, May 13, 2009 ; 9:32 PM -
Everyday is special and unique in a way

Sian today

Feeling empty


Name: Bryan (current body)
Age: 2919
Date of birth: Unknown
Horoscope: Eternalix
Gender: Unknown


Nothing =D

Shout It Out!Y


Wan Yu
Xin Yi
Xue Wen
Ms Wong
Yun Qi
Wei Shuen
Hao Yang
Yi Ling

Past EntriesY


Designer: Fing                 

Project : 3D Crystal Effect

Music Playlist at MixPod.com